Stone Creek Bible Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A Christ-centered Fellowship

Elders - Brandon, Dwayne, Christian, Matt



Christian Sanich, Pastor

Christian was born in Phoenix and grew up just a few miles from where Stone Creek is located.  After graduating from the University of Arizona, he worked as an Account Executive for a radio station in Phoenix, for four years.  Christian says, “I was beginning to get the success and material possessions I always thought I had wanted.  But, I was only experiencing moments of “happiness.”  When I was alone with my thoughts I wasn’t content or joyful.  When I heard that Jesus could give me joy and peace regardless of my circumstances, I accepted Him as my savior and I immediately started living for Him.”  Christian got very involved in his church, where he met his wife, Angie.  They were both small group leaders and met at a training meeting.  Christian and Angie have been married since 1999 and they have three sons.  Christian says, "One of the most important things I do on a given day is disciple my boys, through doing quiet time together or just talking about life from a biblical perspective."
Christian first entered vocational ministry with Young Life.  Then he was a pastoral intern at Scottsdale Bible Church.  After graduating with his Masters of Divinity in Biblical Communication from Phoenix Seminary, he joined the staff here at Stone Creek, in 2005.  He says, “Of all the churches I looked at, Stone Creek just had that something special.  The people were friendly and real.  It felt like God was at work in this church and I could see it in the people’s lives.  No church is perfect, but there is no place I’d rather be.” 

Christian enjoys snorkeling, tennis, snow boarding, and just about any other outdoors activity.  He loves spending time with his wife and his boys.  One of his favorite activities, is to have meaningful conversations, with God, Angie, his friends, and anyone who will get deep.


Jen Gaylor, Minister of Music & Services

Jen grew up in Phoenix a few blocks away from Stone Creek. She has her degree in Music Education from The University of Arizona, her main instrument being voice. She loves music and can usually be found humming or singing to herself.

Jen has been married to Matt since 1997. They homeschooled all 3 of their children graduating 1 of them in 2019, another in 2022, with the third graduation set for 2025.

Jen and her family have been attending Stone Creek since the summer of 2012.  All the family members have served in KidZone, as well as other areas for each of them.  Stepping in as the music leader was a big step for Jen and her family.  Jen says, “My family has been very supportive and everyone at the church has been really encouraging. I pray that I would point people to Jesus with how I live my life and in how I serve our church body through music.”

Jen enjoys reading, crafting, sewing, and spending time with her family and friends.


Anne Forseth, Minister of KidZone & Students

Anne grew up in a small town in Minnesota.  After moving to “the cities,” she met her husband, Greg. They married in 1991, and moved to Arizona. Within a few years, God blessed them with their daughter Greer and son Daniel.  Although Greg and Anne are “empty nesters,” they still enjoy deep relationships with their adult children.
After teaching in Adventure Zone for several years,  she was asked to come on staff in February of 2010 to oversee KidZone (our children's ministry).  Anne is amazing with recruiting loving people to care for and help teach our kids.  She obtained an advanced certificate in systematic theology at Phoenix Seminary in 2017. That same year, the elders asked her to shepherd student ministries.  Anne also teaches periodically at women’s retreats.
Anne is a fun loving, competitive woman who strives to be a woman of God in all that she does. She enjoys playing games, particularly Settlers of Catan and Euchre.  Most importantly, Anne loves Jesus.  She loves her family.  She loves children of all ages.  She loves teaching God’s word.  Anne is very blessed that her passion (sharing Jesus and His Word) has become her vocation. 

Lola Caraher, Administrative Assistant



Melissa Ossuna, Administrative Assistant