Stone Creek Bible Church
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
A Christ-centered Fellowship


Men's / Women's Groups

There may be men's or women's groups meeting, which are not listed on this page.  Please see the events calendar for those.


Life Together Groups

These groups are intended to help God's children do life together.  The meeting times are designed to foster significant discussion that will help each member in their lives and encourage one another to live godly lives.  These are not "Bible study" groups, although answering some Bible/sermon application questions is a regular part of the group time.  The groups also share meals on a regular basis, and may do outreach together.  These groups are also intended to develop relationships where group members are encouraging and supporting each other outside of the group meeting times.  
The groups will average about 6 to 12 people, which meet in homes.  A group may be made up of younger and older, single and married, males and females.
If you would like to hear more about Life Together Groups, you can listen to this audio clip.
If you would like to be part of a Life Together Group, please email Pastor Christian.
You may also want to let Pastor Christian know to add you to his e-mail list for sermon application questions.


P.A.C.E. Groups

P.A.C.E. Groups are small groups of  2 to 4 men or 2 to 4 women (with 2 you may not get enough variety/balance of counsel, with 4 it may be harder to get everyone together).  They can be formed from the members of a Life Together Group, a ministry team, friends or acquaintances who just want to start one.  They meet for prayer, accountability, counsel, and encouragement.  You can also add a Bible element, without having a teacher in the group, by discussing the sermon.  
If you are unfamiliar with accountability, it is basically giving an account, a report, of your life to some other believers who care about you (based primarily on James 5:16).  The Help Sheet we provide will help participants to give a report to each other based on four important relationships, so that we can help each other cultivate those relationships. 
You can form your own group, decide to meet where and when you want (the flexibility is great).  
If you would like to be part of a P.A.C.E. group, here is how to get it going.  Find a couple people that you have some affinity for.  They don't have to be your best friends (that will happen over time).  Ask them if they want to P.A.C.E. together.  If they don't know what that is, explain it - to give an account of life to each other, encourage each other, pray for each other, have each other for counsel when we need it.  Set a day, time, and place to meet.  To help make the most of your time together download the PACE Help Sheet.  Let Pastor Christian know if you need any other help.